Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Glasgow and Bowling Green, Ky

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Kitty, Kallie, and I spent last night at Ted and Pat's.  Today is a special day because it is Pat's birthday.  In honor of her birthday, we all decided she could cook breakfast!  After all, we were all hungry and she is a great cook.  So, why waste all that talent on eating out?

After eating the scrumptious breakfast that Pat fixed, our plan was to drive around the area to see where Ted and Pat grew up, then drive into Glasgow to visit a museum depicting the history in this area, then back to their house for lunch and dog check, then on to Bowling Green to see the Corvette museum and tour the Western Kentucky University campus, and then find a place to eat dinner and celebrate Pat's birthday.  Little did Pat know, Ted had a big surprise waiting for her at dinner.

The tour of the local area was very interesting and the museum was one of the best free museums we have seen.  Not wanting to waste her talents again, we headed back to the house so the birthday girl could fix us lunch. At this rate, we should celebrate Pat's birthday everyday!

Now it's time to head to Bowling Green, Ky.  The first stop is the National Corvette Museum.

Here's Pat in her new Corvette!!! What a birthday gift!  Ha!  Just kidding!  There's no Corvette for Pat this year, maybe next year.

It's actually MY new Corvette!!!  Wow!  Just give me the keys and I am outta here!  Uh...just kidding again.  Dang!

After the Corvette Museum, Ted drove us around the WKU campus showing us where they lived when Ted went to school here and Pat worked nearby.  The campus has changed a lot since it's been several decades since Ted attended college here!

As the campus tour was coming to the end, Kitty noticed a sign advertising Anna's Greek restaurant and we decided to check it out.  Well, actually Ted, Kitty and I decided to check it out.  Pat was looking for somewhere else to eat.  But, just cause it was her birthday, doesn't mean she gets to choose where to eat! Right?  
Of course, Ted had already arranged a big surprise for Pat at this restaurant.  When we walked into the restaurant, there was a table with four people holding their menus up to cover their faces.  Pat wasn't expecting to see these folks!

 Here's the four surprise people that made the 1 1/2 hour drive to celebrate Pat's birthday.
L to R: Barry, Susan, Debbie, and Randy

Let's all sing Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!!

We all enjoyed the perfect combination of food, fun, and friends.  It was a great way to celebrate Pat's birthday and it's the first time we've all been together since we left Florida a couple of months ago.

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